Nov 172012
Exploring 4x5 large format

Over the past couple of years I’ve been doing some black and white 35mm film work with a Leica M6 TTL and Nikon EM.  I remember when I was doing all my own film developing back in the 70’s and 80’s and the thrill of opening the developing tank after the final wash and pulling a 36 […]

Nov 122012
50mm Leica M mount lens comparison

I’ll be honest up front…I’m one of those photographers who suffers from GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)…I really, really, really enjoy buying photograph kit and then find it especially hard to part with it even when it’d be the sensible thing to do to help fund new purchases. As a result of my ongoing addiction I […]

Jan 042012
Winter's day in NW Norfolk

Here are some selected images taken on 2 Jan 2012 which was an incredible winter’s day spent exploring the North West Norfolk coast area of England. There are more images on the “gallery” tab from my 3 week holiday in the UK over the 2011 Christmas/New Year period.